Originally Posted By: Dero13
Hello mkg50,

It is I who thank you for this return. I'm glad your advice paid off to improve this composition. I noticed that the bass sound of the piano had to be greatly reduced. On the other hand, I reduced the number of string instruments which blurred the choirs. The flute has been slightly increased in terms of sound and harmonic lines in the pianoroll. a fade in and a fade out have been placed. Thanks again to you.

Kindly regard
alias JaniJackFlash

Hi Dero13,
It wasn't me who suggested the changes you've made. It was other very helpful forum members. But they put you on the right path and the results are now self-evident. Well done.
Looking forward to your future music compositions and productions.

Mike Garry
BIAB 2022 (Build 927)/RealBand (5) (64bit), UltraPak, Kontakt, EZmix, Ozone 9 Elements, Hybrid 3, Audacity, Acer Predator, Windows 10, 64bit, 16GB ram, CPU: Intel i7.
