Originally Posted By: musician17
Ok, this ain't fair. How do you do it? Why can't *I* write half like that? Ok, sir ... what's your secret? I'll pay you for it if you're willing to disclose :-)

Seriously, though ... hats off. What an effort. If this is your "standard fare", we (all of us other songwriters) are all doomed ... :-)


Thanks, James!

Originally Posted By: BabuMusic
"Standard fare." Hahahaha. Oxford dictionary says: "standard: noun 1. a level of quality or attainment." Floyd, if you are the standard, that's just not fair, man. Right from the germ of an idea you raise the standard. "Weekend her off my mind." "Jim Beam till I'm blind." Oh, yeah... from a previous comment of mine on your posts, ditto.


Thanks, Marty...