The Intel i9-9900 is on sale at Microcenter for $300.00 if you can walk into the store. $350.00 is the street price from Newegg. $260.00 for an Intel i7-9700 at Amazon. Around $100 dollars different in price. So the decision on the processor did not make me lose any sleep.

All this is causing me a bit of frustration due to the fact I do not clearly understand how to network my current machines and the new build and to develop a backup system to try to protect everything.

I want the new machine on the network but without access to the internet. I want to download Win 10 updates to a flash drive, check them for virus and then load them on the new machine. A no brainer for a CCIE, right?

LOL..All I wanted to do was have some fun, I sure I'm not the only one.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo