it is very difficult for myself and other users to diagnose, and offer appropriate solutions without knowing the settings i requested in my previous post.
ie. the ADDENDUM (win sound settings and other settings etc etc.) as well as the reaper top right hand info i requested. it gives people a complete picture of your system. and allows more accurate recommendations/comments. also there is a reason for the usb pen test. its another clue.

you say win is changeing your recording settings. what settings ? need screen shots.
default sound device ? sampling rate etc etc ??

all i can say right now is i looked up the specs of your pavilion.
my comments are as follows.
1. you are doing every task off one drive. win is useing same drive.
i would recommend you look at putting in a second drive. BUT THIS TIME A SSD.
i went to several sites on the net (eg crucial), and confirmed your pav should be able to take a ssd.
THUS. you would keep win on the current 2 TB drive, and use the new ssd drive for recording duties etc. the advantage of this being win cannot interrupt the recording tasks.
win can do its own thing. ssd's can be had for as low as 50 buks. just make sure a good pc tech installs it.

in summary , one drive for win and one for song creation.
2. your pav has a variety of usb ports. is motu on a usb 3 or usb 2 port ?
3. in win device manager , are there any warning flags ? OR is all clean/no flags.
4. although your system is old i dont see why it cant be fixed up providing you dont want to do songs with a ton of traks and massive sample libs out the whatever as well as loads of cpu hogging plug ins.
a smart move is to get into js low useage plug ins in reaps.
if you doubt me talk to other users at
there is gold in them there plug ins if you learn them.
look up in sound on sound reaper channel strip for example.
lots of info on youtube also.

all i can say extra is i personally use 2 systems (with ssd's). i'm ssd all the way. my pc's boot very fast.

sys1, my recording pc, never sees win 10 updates or the web, and i never get probs.
sys2, second pc is used to web surf. which i'm useing now to write this to you.
recently my wife and i have been useing more and more and testing out the latest 80 buk amazon fire tablet for the web. its great. i'm impressed. very fast.

merry xmas/every happiness. hth.
ps years ago i was doing lots of songs on a pc inferior to yours. recording with pg powertraks at that point.
BUT i had two hd's. one for win, and one for song creation.

Last edited by justanoldmuso; 12/05/20 01:10 PM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)