Originally Posted By: rharv
True story
about a month into the lock down we had a guy wandering around the neighborhood with bagpipes in a kilt (and the rest of the attire) .. and actually playing. Just walking around playing that awful racket ..

Lasted a couple days, not sure what happened after that.
/Honest, wasn't me that put an end to it, by I raise a pint to whoever did

Hi Bob,
Bad to listen to, worse to record and reminds me of another true story.
For about ten years I lived on the Isle of Skye off the west coast of Scotland. One day this pipe major walks into my studio and asks if I'll record a cassette of him playing bagpipes. Never being one to turn down paid work, I said yes and we fixed a booking. Well, it turns out that apart from being unbelievably loud, bagpipes have a frequency range from way down low, to frequencies which only dogs can hear and which are high enough to affect the bias on the tape machine (it was back in those days). I now know why none of the other studios within 100 miles would take the job. The only way I could get any sort of result was to strip out the high frequency with a Klark-Teknik graphic and then flatten the whole thing with a Drawmer compressor. After the recording I put back some brightness with an Aphex.
The upshot was that he loved it and for the next few years I became the "go-to" place for bagpipe recordings on the basis of his recommendations. Eventually I fled to England and safety!