Steve, you certainly have NOT over-estimated my interest in the subject. Yours sounds like an amazing journey in the profession - working, as you did, with so many incredible, top level musicians must have given you an unique experience and perspective. Funny how God works, right?

I, myself, studied at one of the top music colleges here in the UK as a violin "major" (we don't have majors over here, but it's the equivalent). I was lucky enough to play under the baton of Bernard Haitink, Sir Colin Davis and others for a while - best time of my life. Then, as with you, life had other ideas ... I ended up doing all sorts of other things with my life, but music has remained a central part (once a musician, always a musician) - and now, I am always welcome to guest along with my former colleagues, most of whom have reached the top echelons of the musical profession. When I come along to play (even if I say so myself), there's a hush in the room, because they know that - even now - I can still give them a run for their money on my good days, haha (and also because they remember our respective levels "back in the day" and appreciate that, had we all been dealt fair cards in life, it could all have been very different for all of us). In reality, I'm really out of practice, nowadays, because I don't get to practice every day any more, but ... you can't keep a good musician down :-)

I'm sorry to hear about your neuromuscular condition diagnosis. A nightmare for any musician, not to be able to play one's instrument any more ... but it's amazing how we adapt. I always say: you can't keep a good musician down, no matter what. And your songs, alone, have given us so much enjoyment over here (speaking for myself, at least, I can honestly say yours are one of the most professional and musical writes I have ever had the pleasure of listening to on here!) ... I hope you will be able to create more, because, so long as you do, I'll be listening.

Thank you so much for sharing of your story. It was genuinely a joy to read about. Again, I will keep you and yours in my prayers. Thanks again.