Hi ChicagoBob,

Your question is very interesting. When I want to create a composition, I open biab and not the vst biab. Generally biab offers you the last style used. Often times I look for a style depending on what I want to do. I'm also listening to the demo. If I like the demo like "good morning my love", I import the chords from the demo. From this importation of chords, I modify the realtracks of the proposed style (1). In the case of "Rondo of love", I introduced my chords in a style that I liked, I chose the realtracks that seemed appropriate to me in relation to the theme I want to develop (1). I remember my composition in Biab (1) and I switch to "studio one" which is my daw (2). In the Biab vst, I open my file, but it has the disadvantage of regenerating all the tracks. Which means if you had a well-crafted solo track in Biab, you might have it different in your daw since it regenerates all the tracks. If that doesn't suit you, you still have the option of exporting wav and midi tracks from biab and importing them back into your daw without using biab vsts. Once you import your realtrack or midi tracks can be processed. Either the realtrack is correct and it's okay, or you modify some tones with tools like melodyn to rectify the wav or mp3 imperfections. Either you want to replace the realtrack instrument and you work in your daw via the pianoroll on the midi tracks generated by the vst Biab.
I Thank you for your comment and your question.

Kindly regard
alias JaniJackFlash

Last edited by Derochette; 02/28/21 11:46 AM.

Kindly regards
alias JaniJackFlash