Interesting feature, but I'd have to massage it to make a decent printed chord chart. Perhaps it can be read into some other programs. I have exported the file as MusicXML and read it into MuseScore, but still requires a good bit of work to put my section labels back in and a few other things.

So I'm gathering that there's no way to get the staffs closer together???? That would solve a big part of my problem. I have "unfolded" arrangements of 170 measures or so, and don't want to have a 3 or 4 page chart with a lot of wasted space.

Chuck Wiggins

BIAB 2023 Win UltraPak, Cakewalk, Windows 10 Pro
Custom AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core, Focusrite Scarlett 4x4 interface
