To Lazarus: THANK YOU for bringing this topic to life and bringing excellent advice along with plenty of examples to back up your viewpoints!

To PGM (PeterGannon, Jareth, Tobin): THANK YOU SO MUCH for listening, participating in the discussion, for checking out the advice/examples and for planning to study and implement some of this!

To the BIAB-Can-Already-Do-That Club: I know you are well-meaning and I get that BIAB is a toolbox. But so is my closet full of guitars! So is my PC full of virtual instrument samples! Why in the world would I need BIAB then? Simple, because BIAB can do a LOT MORE than just be a toolbox!

As an example, I have a banjo I play reasonably well, a mandolin I can noodle about on and a fiddle not so much. I could literally spend the rest of my life learning these instruments and never be able to produce the high quality bluegrass song that BIAB can do in a matter of minutes!

I could give the same example for country and for jazz and for classic rock. BIAB goes WAY BEYOND being a toolbox when it comes to these genres! Way beyond!

What I think Lazarus is asking for, and what I and others would love to see, is for BIAB to be able to create modern sounding pop music as easily as it can produce bluegrass, country, jazz and classic rock. This would be a HUGE selling point to modern music producers. And HUGE value to those of us trying to produce more modern music.

And the answer is NOT "BIAB can already do that" or "just dive deep enough and you can figure it out"! I have sampled so many songs in the showcase here and haven't found anything that sounds modern (post a link if you think I'm wrong!) There is a bunch of really great music there, built with BIAB's tried and true functionality (as well as skill and talent of the artists). But IMHO nothing that compares to the songs on the list Lazarus provided earlier in this discussion. Someone in this discussion claimed they replicated 5 modern songs in less than an hour but were not able to share that work. I would still like to hear those examples!

I am extremely excited about the potential here and appreciative of the interest expressed by PGM!