
It’s a pretty arrangement, and your vocal is really strong (though I’m wondering if it should sit back in the mix just a little bit—it’s a little too forward on a couple of notes). I think for me among the best I’ve heard from you.

I do think David has a point about the long “intro”—not sure the casual listener will stay with it (unless they are a fan of instrumentals). Mind you, it works as is. If I were to think about an alternative way to do it, I’d shorten the intro (maybe to 30 seconds or so) and then use the break after the first verse (at 2:32) to go into a longer instrumental, finishing up with that last verse and ending the song just how you do.

As David said, that’s not necessarily an improvement, just a different approach to cater to the dwindling attention span of many of today's listeners.

Good stuff, Ed!

All my best to you,
