Looks like a few outdoor gigs are popping up.
Maybe I'll actually sell a few CD's.

Thinking about creating a musical empire.
Trying to consider the marketing approach beyond gigging and selling CD's at the gig.

Many Topics
Web Page
Patreon/VenMo/Tip Jars
CD Baby.

It looks like it would be easy to get quite a few irons in the fire, spend a fair amount of time and $$$ and end up with a bunch of hot pokers... metaphorically anyway.

Wondering if there are any folks out there willing to share music marketing roadmaps they have found successful in the marketing area. I guess things people have found not successful would also be useful

I would like to put together a marketing playbook I can work for the next year or so as we return to live music.

An incremental approach is what I'm after.
Anyone willing to share a little to keep me from touching the stove too many times, I thank you in advance.
Will be happy to publish plan and report back on progress if any interest on forum.

Admin: if this belongs off topic, please move as necessary. thanks.

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