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If you can afford health deserve it. If I can't, I don't want a government to force you to pay for it. If you choose to do so...God bless you.

OK. That;s all fine when you're able to earn your living yourself. But what happens when someone (perhaps a drunk driver) runs you over with his car causing you to loose both arms. The driver got killed and has no family and no insurance. Your financial buffer allows you to get well again, but you can't find a new employment. Your financial position is critical and you can no longer pay for health care. You develop a pneumonia and need hospital care but cannot afford it. Do you deserve to die?

Background info: My wife and I both have a business. A day not worked is a day not payed.

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Has anyone read Pat's original question?


One of the commonly disputed topics in society and politics is whether a nation should seek to...
"level the playing field"
"redistribute resources"
"mandate equality"

There are compelling reasons for and against both sides of this argument.

I'll go ahead and "weigh in".

The answer is NO! To all three questions.

May we please address Pat's topic?

He is, after all, the one who started this thread.


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You said,


Can someone show me a scripture which says "God created all men equal?" I'm not trying to be rude, but I can neither remember reading such a scripture nor can I see the evidential results of such a statement in the real world surrounding me and that is why I made the comment I did earlier in this thread.

Since you aren't trying to be "rude", could you please expound upon this statement so the rest of us will understand what you actually meant?

The statement definitely came across as rude and ill conceived. We don't want to take you wrong, so what did you actually mean?


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John said..."I do not understand how a discussion on equality leads to attacks on Canada and the fact we are some 90 pound weakling, with bad military, bad health care, and again some inferior nation."

John, I hope you know that I think very highly of you. I have said so openly on many occasions, spontaneously when nobody was asking for such a statement. With that thought in mind, please do not hear what I am about to say as an attack, for I have absolutely no desire to attack you. I like you and and therefore I want you to be happy, not attacked.

But if you read back through the thread you will see that you were the one who introduced a comparison of Canada to the USA, and THAT is the reason why a discussion on equality led to comments about Canada. Moreover, you hit the ground running with multiple statements that really looked like you were baiting, itching for a fight. As a general rule, if you walk up to a dog and kick it, it will probably bite you. And if you enter a conversation with flaming rhetoric, you can pretty much expect people to throw it right back.

Conversely, I recall a thread recently when everybody was saying good things about Canada. In the absence of jabs, people say what they really think. And when there was nobody throwing gasoline on the fire, people said good things.

I think that is significant.

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OK, if we accept the idea that all men are created equal... what does that mean? Mac, I bet you have yet to meet your equal. I've never met anybody as well-versed in multiple topics and just plain naturally intelligent as you.

THe olympians are superior to all of us in their own little areas of expertise, so maybe we could say that equality means that we each have our area of excellence, and in a roundabout way that make us equal, but not identical

But, I have a niece who has down's syndrome. Intellectually, financially, physically etc she will never be anyone's equal. So there goes our "relative equality"

What functional definition can we agree on when we say that all men are created equal? Because clearly there is plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise.

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Hold on there, the mandate that all men are created equal is derived from The Creator and therefore cannot be mandated by humans for it is already in existence. See "Second Amendment to the US Constitution" for details on the enforcement of said policy.


But what does that mean?
Does it mean that all the kids get "As" on their reports so nobody gets their feelings hurt? I ask because there ARE people who see that very thing as an exercise in equality.

But Let's make it closer to home: here on the forum... when people post songs, is it better to tell them their song is great? Or is it better to tear it apart so the person does not become complacent?

There is a wide degree of musical inequality here on the list. Some are professionals while others are semi-pro, others are hobbyists. How does the idea of all men being equal shake down here?

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Let's keep it on track.
"One of the commonly disputed topics in society and politics is whether a nation should seek to..."
Do you mean the government or the populace? In countries where the government is elected by a minority there is likely to be huge differences in opinion.
"level the playing field" - definitely! You can't have one rule for the privileged and another for the not so privileged. That includes mandating equality - Martin Luther King, among many martyrs was all for that.
If the UK law on accounting had been level with US laws, the Lehmann Brothers debacle would not have been as wide spread, they would have had to file for bankruptcy earlier with less repercussions on the market.
"redistribute resources" - In a healthy society this would normally be achieved by trade. Unfortunately there are no healthy societies these days so the government (at whatever level is seen to be best) must be prepared and qualified to assist in this.
"mandate equality" - definitely!
The first and foremost duty of any nation is to look after its citizens. Either through defense, education, resource management (energy, water and air) and health care. If it does not fulfill this then why do we need nations, why not let the utility sharks and the bankers get on with it?
In non democratic countries you don't expect any of the above, but most eastern European countries had most of that before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Democracy won't guarantee that the will of the people is carried out as we can see in most democratic counties these days.
I am not knocking America in this so no-one needs to get insulted, this is the sad reality of most of today's greed orientated societies.
Whoever said all men were created equal was talking through his naval. This has never been the case, and never will be. For a start, almost half the "men" are born as women, where is the equality there? I won't even start on the not so able bodied, or the different ethic and religious origins, or whatever.
To sum it up, it would be nice to say YES to all three, and then have it work!

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Let's put the 'created equal' in context.

God said we were created equal. In his eyes, we are created equal (without sin) and you had no better chance of reaching heaven than I had on the day we were born. The example of a Down's syndrome child also has the exact same chance of accomplishing that.
You may be a better guitar player than me, but I may be better at building a house. Does this make one of us better than the other? No, just different. We all have gifts.

Level the playing field - We can all work on that at an individual level. If we do not judge on anything other than character (for lack of better word) then the field is level. If you want to judge by possessions you are doing it wrong. True joy rarely depends on possessions.

Redistribute Resources - are you talking about 'resources' or wealth? Resources are something that you can make something out of. They are pretty well available to all. It takes some creativity to see and develop the resources to have value.
Redistributing wealth is a whole different topic and defines capitalism versus socialism. We are learning that capitalism has a tendency to create 'entitlement' which is wrong. We are not 'entitled' to anything until it is agreed upon. This includes healthcare. If we in the US agree (in a majority at least) that we are entitled to it we will arrange for that. It is a discussion going on in millions of homes right now. The problem we have is one of numbers. We curently have a lot of older seniors who are leaving the work force and are 'entitled' to more than the system can currently provide, so adding more entitlements is a tough choice right now.
Another 'entitlement' we are battling is the false entitlement of greed. Large corporations are failing because of the greed of the corporate leaders. Yet our monetary system feels we need to bail out these failures in order to avoid the disasterous consequences of their failures. In a capitalistic society someone should step up to cover the needs of these failures. We the people did not cause the banks to fail, or GM for that matter. We enabled it but did not cause it, and yet we are paying for these failures. Yet another drain that is causing us to have to look very hard at the entitlements of others.

Again, in my eyes, if we do not accomplish these things (your three questions) individually we cannot expect the government to mandate it. It is obviously not the 'will of the people' if it is not practiced by them.

Also, I still think you are looking at equality as possessions and not the ultimate goal of how you live your life..
there *should* be compassion in doctors, there *should* be honesty in business, there *should* be a level field for all regardless of any defining physical characteristics. When we put those goals first, the rest will follow.
As it is, greed and 'me first' is the norm around the world. It makes progress that more difficult.

I have no problem with an individual wanting to earn millions, if done honestly. If I have to pay for your lifestyle it is not even. This leads to abuse. See welfare abuse for explanations.. it was created for the good of the people and has led to a stagnant existence for many. I am not trying to say welfare is bad, I have needed it a point in my life, and have no issue with supporting it, helping those with less. My issue is that I should not have to bail out those with more.
We all need to try harder, not to be rich, but to be better.

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re true story.
on scouts honor mate. I DO NOT LIE.

in fact ive met in my travels over the years several wealthy people
who think like that. viz "let the market reign supreme etc".
(sorry if i got off topic. the discussion had mentioned health care..
and my dear wife who is canadian has been thru a medical
situation this past year, all looking good now,n thank goodness
for the cdn health care system.)

re the original topic ..levelling the playing field.
this thread could go on forever, and at uni decades ago
some of the best minds debated this aspect without resolution.
i liked the lawn analogy pat. but the problem remains...
how does a modern society deal with those that have met unfortunate
circumstances ?? for example Mike sings fine example.
well put mike.

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how does a modern society deal with those that have met unfortunate
circumstances ?? for example Mike sings fine example.
well put mike.

It used to be that the family, church and community pulled together for it. It still happens believe it or not.

There are many many fundraisers going on for people in circumstances such as this.
Should the government be involved? That is a tough question believe it or not.
It just might have been one of the things the writers of the constitution were considering when they decided on the separation of church and state. At that time charity was handled by the church and the community. Maybe they thought it best to keep it that way.

It would work, if , as I mentioned above, people focused on being better people instead of focusing on themselves. A lot of people think we have to mandate healthcare and charity. That is sad because charity should be inside every one of us. To he who much is given, much is required. There are plenty of people who could afford to step in and help those in need. Do we have to force them to with law?

Just points to ponder..

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I really wasn't trying to insinuate that you were lying. The story just struck me as funny. My apologies.


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The statement definitely came across as rude and ill conceived. We don't want to take you wrong, so what did you actually mean?


I apologize to you and others for my "rude and ill conceived statement" and will withdraw from this discussion. I simply meant that I know of no scripture that says "God created all men equal" and when I see two children born on the same day, one strong and healthy, the other disabled and needing help to survive, I don't see the evidence that "God created all men equal". My final statement on the subject is this, I thank God I live in a country that has laws and mandates for those who are less fortunate and need help so that their relative equality can be established.

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Mac Offline
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OK, if we accept the idea that all men are created equal... what does that mean? Mac, I bet you have yet to meet your equal. I've never met anybody as well-versed in multiple topics and just plain naturally intelligent as you. ...

You don't get out much? <g>

Seriously, this statement shows a failure to understand the basic premise that "equality" has nothing to do with a man's abilities, rather it is a recognition of our INabilities.

The actual founding document gets taken out of context in order to make such a statement.

"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal."

Now we must identify the actual and real salient points upon which that equality is based, we cannot arbitrarily decide for ourselves that a certain aspect of someone's personality makes them "more equal" or "less equal" than someone else.


There is quite the difference between knowledge and wisdom.

I am absolutely convinced that the full sum of human knowledge is but a miniscule -- and fractional -- part of the knowledge that our Creator possesses.

The premise you offer begs to create an aristocracy of the so-called learned class.

No thanks.


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If being created equal means "without sin", then I agree with you, but what about the "Original Sin" that some churches preach. Is that a gimmick to make sure you join? All that aside, how I understand "mandate equality" has nothing to do with sins, but rather with racial and religious equality, equality between the sexes such as "same pay for the same job etc.". A lot has been accomplished world wide on these matters, but there is still a long way to go.

As far as leveling the playing field goes, this will never likely happen, anywhere. It is part of the human greed syndrome to hoard and stack the odds. This is most apparent in managers and politicians. Politicians make the rules, and given that politicians are known to bow to managers wishes (and handouts). Go figure.

Resources are only indirectly related to wealth. If you own them you are rich, but they belong to everybody. Resources are water, air, energy, and food. The water wars have not yet begun, but it is only a matter of time before nations start waging wars over water. It will probably start in the middle east as usual. Air is sill being polluted at an alarming level, although those lucky enough to be living in rural areas won't see it directly. You will notice however that some insects just disappear. When the bees are gone we better be up to speed on pollination or else we don't eat. Energy must be regulated in some form. Just take the Enron case. Greedy managers, corrupt politicians. The oil wars are in full swing, but that is a shortsighted approach, and not a win win situation. Case in point Irak. In 20 years time, if Israel hasn't nuked the Middle East in the meantime, Irak will be back where Iran (formally US ally Persia) is now.
Food is also becoming a problem. Most countries in Europe cannot support their citizens, and the food industry has the lowest markup of any modern industry. Someone mentioned in an earlier post that the Pharma Industry had a low ROE, the Return on Investment in the drugs industry is one of the highest, only beaten by the finance and energy industries. If there isn't a malady to be treated they will invent one. The food industry is at the bottom, propped up by useless subsidiaries and hamstrung by incompetent politicians. Monsanto is trying to patent the world's seedstock by promising better crops with their genetically manipulated seeds, and they are making good headway, even though they don't work.
There are a lot of questions which need to be asked, unfortunately an OT forum is nto going to change the world, mind you it is said that the flap of a butterfly's wing in Amazona could release a tornado in Missouri, who knows...
BTW - the banking industry bankrupted itself single handed with dud investments and who knows what else. Governments of the G8 have poured hundreds of billions of dollars and euros into them without blinking an eye to support them. These banks are now making billions profit again, and are handing out billions in bonuses for the time they lost billions. And you are heartrending as to whether to increase the entitlements of people who have worked all their lives. There is something seriously wrong with our system don't you think.

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If being created equal means "without sin", then I agree with you, but what about the "Original Sin" that some churches preach. Is that a gimmick to make sure you join?

Absolutely not.

It is merely understanding what Jesus taught, that we are *all* born in sin.

Ever raise a two year old?

The loving and caring parents don't spend their time saying, "YES, Johnny, YES Johnny" when raising the two year old.

NO Johnny!


All that aside, how I understand "mandate equality" has nothing to do with sins, but rather with racial and religious equality, equality between the sexes such as "same pay for the same job etc.". A lot has been accomplished world wide on these matters, but there is still a long way to go.

Such as in, "world wide domination"?

"Same pay for same job" is a negotiable and should not be a mandate for the simple reason that every historical example we have of such attempts have resulted in abject failure, not to mention death and suffering for millions.

The problems you wish to address are all caused by our sins and our sinning.

And that is because we are all born in sin.


As far as leveling the playing field goes, this will never likely happen, anywhere. It is part of the human greed syndrome to hoard and stack the odds. This is most apparent in managers and politicians. Politicians make the rules, and given that politicians are known to bow to managers wishes (and handouts). Go figure.

Well, I see that you *do* understand the concept of original sin after all!


Resources are only indirectly related to wealth. If you own them you are rich, but they belong to everybody.

Marxism. No thanks. Millions have been killed on the alter of Marxism in the last century. Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" among other things that show us that He was okay with the concept of rich vs poor. "The poor you shall have with you always..."


Resources are water, air, energy, and food.

Well, you've progressed only slightly from when it was Earth, Wind and Fire...

I'm certainly thankful this morning that you do not define what the real resuources are around this planet.


The water wars have not yet begun, but it is only a matter of time before nations start waging wars over water.


But even more preposterous is that hidden in that statement, as is always the case, is the assumption that war -- for whatever reason -- must be a bad thing. I'm not able to make such blanket decisions on the subject. But I am a thinking man, at least I try to be.


It will probably start in the middle east as usual. Air is sill being polluted at an alarming level, although those lucky enough to be living in rural areas won't see it directly. You will notice however that some insects just disappear. When the bees are gone we better be up to speed on pollination or else we don't eat. Energy must be regulated in some form. Just take the Enron case. Greedy managers, corrupt politicians. The oil wars are in full swing, but that is a shortsighted approach, and not a win win situation. Case in point Irak. In 20 years time, if Israel hasn't nuked the Middle East in the meantime, Irak will be back where Iran (formally US ally Persia) is now.
Food is also becoming a problem. Most countries in Europe cannot support their citizens, and the food industry has the lowest markup of any modern industry. Someone mentioned in an earlier post that the Pharma Industry had a low ROE, the Return on Investment in the drugs industry is one of the highest, only beaten by the finance and energy industries. If there isn't a malady to be treated they will invent one. The food industry is at the bottom, propped up by useless subsidiaries and hamstrung by incompetent politicians. Monsanto is trying to patent the world's seedstock by promising better crops with their genetically manipulated seeds, and they are making good headway, even though they don't work.

Ah, the same old mantra again. "Its-the-end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it!™"


The mainstay of those who would try to become the ruling class remains constant.

This one goes hand in hand with the Marxist mantra that "everything belongs to everybody" -- which in reality actually means that the one saying that has not and intends to STEAL it from whoever does have it through the same old dark methodology of demonization, domination and hiding behind pie-in-the-sky utopian fantasies.


There are a lot of questions which need to be asked, unfortunately an OT forum is nto going to change the world, mind you it is said that the flap of a butterfly's wing in Amazona could release a tornado in Missouri, who knows...

Holy crap you're getting worse by the second.

And ignorance is the one thing in this universe that may truly be infinite...


BTW - the banking industry bankrupted itself single handed with dud investments and who knows what else. Governments of the G8 have poured hundreds of billions of dollars and euros into them without blinking an eye to support them. These banks are now making billions profit again, and are handing out billions in bonuses for the time they lost billions. And you are heartrending as to whether to increase the entitlements of people who have worked all their lives. There is something seriously wrong with our system don't you think.

Well then, a people without need for the concept that we are all born in sin and that we need a Saviour does indeed make for a sorry situation every time, doesn't it?

But that alone answers your first question.

Thanks for playing.

Don't get angry, instead take the time to THINK IT THROUGH.


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Being from Michigan, I welcome the water wars; it about all we have left to fight over! Lots of water and trees...

As a side note, last year I noticed an increase in bees here. The good bees, not the wasps, etc. Hopefully it is a good sign.

Going along my happy way now ..

Last edited by rharv; 03/14/10 08:48 AM.

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Whatever happened to the Hole-in-the-Ozone-Layer-that-was-going-to-end-the-world™ ?

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Does everybody come up to a higher level or do we all go down to a lower level,it does not work in the way we wish you would have to use drugs to control either the bright people or the dull people ending up in a totally boring world,God mades us all different, why should anybody want to change that to makes us all the same,still it would make me fill better if everybody spelt as bad as i do

regards Dave Hoskins

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ponder this.
i went to a very fine grammar school in england.
it was a boarding school..(cos my parents worked overseas
at the time.)and a tad unique.
it was a mixture from the wealthy classes thru middle n working n very poor.
the boarding fees were based on parents income..
then if i remember there were also scholarships so that poor kids families
paid nothing. the wealthy paid the most.
i was from a typical middle income family.
so the fees were middling i guess.

now heres whats interesting from a social standpoint.
according to many social scientists ive had discussions with..
poverty breeds crime n anti social behaviour.
yet..interestingly enough at the school some of the most sadistic
and bullying types were from the wealthy end of the spectrum.
and some of the nicest from the poor end of the spectrum.
thus i often have pondered whether in fact ones "goodness"
or "evil" is based on ones genes rather than ones surroundings
one has been brought up in.
cos at uni a very good friend of mine
was from a very wealthy family but had a heart of gold.
many diachotemies.
(ps ..when in time my group became prefects//seniors at the school..
we banned all the old hazeing rituals , the bullying,
and daft stuff like seniors makeing juniors polish their shoes etc etc.)

i take your point mate re church/family help..
but this was tried in the victorian era in england.
with many failures.
one being that family often didnt have the money/resources to help,
and the other being the church becoming overloaded.
the churches only have so much resources at their disposal.
it was the dirty thirties that bred many of the social initiatives
in england.
frankly the whole thing is a quagmire.
in england it was always said the wealthy have their tax havens to protect em,
and the middle clsses pay for everything.
right now in the uk newspapers are tons of articles on what is termed
"the beleagured middle classes" who cant save like the wealthy
due to a slanted tax system.
george orwells statement is rather interesting in animal farm.
"all men are created equal but some more so than others".
twas ever thus and ever will be.

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If you can afford health deserve it. If I can't, I don't want a government to force you to pay for it.

With or without a national health plan YOU, ME, and everyone else in the U.S. is paying for the ability to deliver health care to those who can afford to receive it. For example, as the recipient of a Medical Education at the University of South Alabama College of Medicine, I can tell you that only a small portion of the school's monetary resources to educate me came from the tuition that I paid to it. The rest came from Federal and State tax money because the government in its wisdom realizes that without a given ratio of physicians to population, the manpower necessary is not there to provide adequately for even those with the means to purchase health care. This means that if you yourself can not afford health care, you are funding the education of the providers to sell health care to those who can.

How about all of the state and federally funded research that is the basis for the technology to provide state of the art medical care to those with the ability to pay? How about we simpy say that if health care is a commodity that goes only to those with the ability to pay that we simply cut off ALL PUBLIC FUNDING of medical research, MEDICAL EDUCATION, etc and let those with the ability to pay fund it all? The reason is because it won't work. It requires a directed effort to coordinate such an important effort. But.....don't pretend that health care is just another simple commodity for sale in the market place because it is not and don't pretend that everyone then doesn't have a financial stake in it because everyone's tax money goes into it to make it work and if that tax money were pulled out the whole system would collapse.

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Band-in-a-Box® 2024 German for Windows is Here!

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 für Windows Deutsch ist verfügbar!

Wir waren fleißig und haben über 50 neue Funktionen und eine erstaunliche Sammlung neuer Inhalte hinzugefügt, darunter 222 RealTracks, neue RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, "Songs with Vocals" Artist Performance Sets, abspielbare RealTracks Set 3, abspielbare RealDrums Set 2, zwei neue Sets von "RealDrums Stems", XPro Styles PAK 6, Xtra Styles PAK 17 und mehr!

Paket | Was ist Neu

Update Your PowerTracks Pro Audio 2024 Today!

Add updated printing options, enhanced tracks settings, smoother use of MGU and SGU (BB files) within PowerTracks, and more with the latest PowerTracks Pro Audio 2024 update!

Learn more about this free update for PowerTracks Pro Audio & download it at

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