Misha, your song cover is an expression of how I hear your music. Pulling from multiple sources that are strangely cohesive, yet extremely diverse.

I'm not sure why, but I'm always hear all of these different parts of bands that I wouldn't think to be in the same genre. It's like I hear small pieces of Bowie, Peter Schilling , Pink Floyd, The Talking Heads, Vertical Horizon...many. If you think of the uniqueness of those bands/artists it's easy to understand how you have carved out your own niche of of interesting.

I feel as though you don't overlook any aspect of your songs. From lyrics, arrangement, structure, melodic and harmonic content, to your production elements, and performance. I simply NEVER get bored.

Thank you for everything you put into your songs and share with us mortals. smile

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.