Originally Posted By: bluage
Dear Stefan & Ms. Maha...

The song and the video combine an explosion of rainbow colors, nostalgic and high-energy music, and the gleeful, rejuvenating sight of 'grown-ups' dancing up a storm and having tons of fun as they liberate the inner child within them.

In your own uniquely creative way you've brought back something that I believe Chubby Checkers' introduction of the original 'Twist' back in the 60's gave to the world, and that is the simple happiness that people enjoy when they get TOGETHER on the dance floor to move & groove to the music.

Thanks for reminding us what the 'good times' can really mean!


LOREN (a.k.a. 'bluage')

Dear Loren,

first of all: SOOOOO GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU !!!

And thanks a bunch for your brilliant description of what I was hoping to capture with the song and video: Sheer joy, even in sad and dangerous times like these - and be it only for some moments. But no-one good put this into words better than you, that's for sure !!!

When I had planned to 'inrtegrate' friends in that video I asked about 120 people if they would like to get in on it:

- 43 of them thought that this was an indecent proposal
- 30 of them are ever since convinced that I've finally gone totally bananas
- 19 of them would have liked to join but where (partly by forcible means!) held back by their partners ('Do you really want to make complete fools of us?')
- 7 of them had just run out of booze
- 6 of them didn't get the picture at all ('What the heck is he talking about?)
- 5 of them have me on their black list anyway, so my e-mail went into their spam directory
- 2 of them claimed that they didn't know me.

But 8 of them returned the videos I used and many of those 'cowars' said afterwards, ' Oh so nice, next time I'll be in on everything you do' - they just wait and see, haha !

Back to seriousness, dear friend: Thanks a lot for your wonderfil comment - loved it so much!

Take care and stay safe,
