I love this forum and I don't really do ANY kind of social media at all. I would rather be splashed in battery acid.

That being said, I am troubled when a thread of incivility begins to creep up here from time to time--it does not happen often, but when it does I am jarred.

On occasion, someone will appear out of nowhere and present themselves as the world's top expert, on everything, not to be argued with or debated. I will google such person and come up with no background. Odd.

All in all this is a lovely place, but it doesn't take much blowhard type behavior to really turn me off.

Glad it does not happen often. There are thousands of people here with solid credentials and accolades and therefore rules of etiquette need to stay where they normally are.

When I see something overly pompous here, I have to bite my tongue, but again, I am glad it is not the norm.

I am sure I am not the only one.

Thanks for the post Matt.