If I'm writing a song, I'm in the same mind-space as I am when writing fiction. It's more important to me who the "listener" is in the song than who the "narrator" is, though POV is important. I don't necessarily mean who is listening to the SONG, but who IN THE SONG is picking up what the narrator is putting down.

It's kind of like a parable. It's a fictitious story with an underlying truth. Though parts of it may be more-or-less "factual", the facts don't matter and are often obscured.


I'm looking forward to going to Thailand. I'll be flying to the west coast, then on to Narita, then to Bangkok. I'm going to see my fiancee.


Saturday night I'm gonna put on a tie
Take my truck for a whirl
Flow down the road across three county lines
To see my pretty little black-haired girl.


Anticipation is sweet.

There's more to it, but this is a forum post.

Last edited by Tangmo; 09/11/21 02:19 PM.

BIAB 2021 Audiophile. Windows 10 64bit. Songwriter, lyricist, composer(?) loving all styles. Some pre-BIAB music from Farfetched Tangmo Band's first CD. https://alonetone.com/tangmo/playlists/close-to-the-ground