Originally Posted By: Icelander

Would be best to leave the answer to that question to the OP, if he has the thread monitored and could follow up with his thoughts...

Thanks, Icelander, for your support! I just noticed that the discussion on this subject went on since the last time I checked, so here I am. smile

Originally Posted By: VideoTrack

I didn't read anywhere in the original request that "BBox should be able to do this AUTOMATICALLY!". Have I misinterpreted the request, or responded incorrectly?

Well yes, automatically is what I actually had in mind, and indeed I regard every suggestion made as just a workaround - and as useful as they might be: I find it all way too fiddly. The ideal thing would be too mark the bars you want to be involved and then simply press a button that says "ritardando". cool And I don't think that's too demanding because we already have all kind of options for stops, breaks, tempo changes and the like, enabling us to arrange quite complicated stuff (sounding natural and "band-like", too), so what's necessary for an automatic ritardando is basically a combination of these functions.

So again, guys, I'm really grateful for all your suggestions and happy to always, no matter what, be able to find support within this great community; really I am! But Icelander is absolutely right: We should convince PG to implement such a feature - particularly when asked for time and again!