i'm replying as i have the utmost respect for the effort you put in and the help you give on these forums.

so essentially what we are talking about is cutting out a
step, like i used to do with samples in ejay...see ejay
vids on you tube. ie dragging samples onto a timeline.
which, yes is time consuming.

therefore why not lets go a step further, as follows
(useing arty intelligence in computer software)....
ie..a true instant coffee , minimal work solution.

1. have biab scan the net for the new hot contemporary
pop songwriters and analyse their song styles.
2. then when a user cliks a button called CREATE A HOT NEW SONG, the user fills in the following fields.
a. the name of the songwriter to be emulated.
b. tempo and key maybe ? then...
c. the user cliks a button titled GIMME A HIT SONG.

then biab accesses on the net data bases of samples
and presents the user with a finished song.
if the user dont like it, rinse and repeat till
user is happy.
is this the way people will create songs in the future.
ie minimal effort ?
many people in the past few years pipe have said too many youngsters dont want to put effort in. a popular lament with hiring managers. i dunno how true that is, but, is there a mentality out there ie i'll get the recording gear on a friday, clik a few buttons on a saturday and create a few hits, load up on the net on sunday..and by tuesday i'll be rich and rolling in loyalties.
i dunno....i think i prefer a bit of heartache and work
and things i can control in my song creation efforts.
warts and all.

maybe , in closing mate, what the debate should be...
is about 'how far do users want automation // AI to go in the song creation process.' ? i see this as the real issue for debate.


Last edited by justanoldmuso; 10/03/21 01:05 PM.

New Song "PRETTY GIRL" for my wife...Dec 2023
(my vocs....mixed for good earbuds.)
(and rock song THE STALLION and bluegrass song... BANKER MAN....90 songs useing bb/rb.)