Originally Posted By: Frankp
Love this tune. The arc and development of the lyric/story really draws one in and is a universal theme. Chord progression and melody is beautiful as is your vocal. Top shelf.

Thanks, Frank!!

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
Those Vocals!! You are Obiwan for Janice, as you know, and your vocals on this one are a perfect example of why. Powerful, soulful, and beautiful.

"you'd think i'd be happy, quiet as it is now
i finish book after book but miss the music somehow"

These lines in particular tug at my (Janice's) heartstrings as I think often of the laughter of loved ones as being music for my soul.

Well, in addition to your vocals and lyric and your mighty fine guitar playing, the cello, viola and piano certainly make for an excellent choice of Biab tracks.

It would be perfect over closing credits for the right film.

Throw in the fj spot on mix and the whole package is simply spectacular.


I always love y'all's reviews!!!
