Originally Posted By: eddie1261
Have you jazz people ever heard of Dirty Loops? I just heard them for the first time this week and "WOW" doesn't cover it. They are just crazy good. For those who don't know they are a trio from Sweden (though their work is largely sweetened with tons of overdubs) and they are each phenomenal musicians. It's hard to say that the bassist is a better bassist than the drummer is a drummer, etc.

They are all over Youtube. Check them out. This is their channel.

Dirty Loops

Dirty Loops is absolutely phenomenal - and I say this as someone who primarily listens to metal. They've got more talent in their little fingers than in my entire body, that's for sure! I don't think I've ever shown them to someone who was any less than impressed. That bass player, just - wow!

Another good one for the jazz folks is Snarky Puppy, and if you like to get a little weird go check out Jacob Collier, Vulfpeck (someone mentioned Cory Wong earlier), or anything to do with Louis Cole.

Last edited by Simon - PG Music; 12/10/21 04:36 PM.

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