Read Peter Gannon's sticky post at the top of the forum index 'heres' a no brainer...............'

the TTS1 is a roland soft synth and its free with cakewalk and there's a link in Dr Gannon's thread. and the great thing about a DXi synth is that BIAB will find it automatically. next time you go to the midi driver page the TTS1 will be a choice in the drop down menu. you don't even need to ever open the main cakewalk program.

the TTS1 is a GM synth (general midi) which means it can play all the midi instruments in the GM1 and GM2 spec. at the top right hand of the midi driver page you'll find a patch map for the TTS1 as a drop down option. that simply tells BIAB where to look for the instrument sounds when you use the TTS1

i prefer TTS1 sounds to coyote sounds but you can try both