Originally Posted By: rayc
It's a good song and narrative Mark.
You could blend your guitar into the backing a little more and treat the sibilance but they aren't mistakes so much as things that may or may not be.

Thanks, Ray.
This is one that has been around for months and but the chorus wasn't quite right. I had to drop a word to get the flow right. That idea just came to me the other morning and I did this.
Next year, I'll refine the whole thing. (Adding more guitars, no doubt. Maybe a solo section.)

I always appreciate your comments.
The past few months have been a real challenge in other areas (-had to move mom, 92, from one assisted living facility to another and help her adjust, which is a real challenge. Mom's motto is, "I hate change!") I'm hoping to spend next year focusing more on the finer points of recording and mixing and actually submit some songs to publishers.

"If I knew where the good songs came from, I'd go there more often." Leonard Cohen