
"Panned mono" should not be confused with true stereo.

Nothing wrong with recording a voice in true stereo — I do it all the time — but you need to understand what you are doing so that the result sounds natural. Start with a good sounding room…

Brian Wilson was publicised as being the first engineer to create artificial stereo with pan pots. He didn't invent the technique, of course, but you wouldn't know that from the buzz in the 1960s. That Capital board spent many years in a San Jose studio and I did many recordings on it over the years. BTW, Brian's deaf in one ear

BIAB 2023 Audiophile, 24/60 Core M2 Mac Studio Ultra/8TB/192GB Sonoma, M1 MBAir, 2012 MBP
Digital Performer 11, LogicPro
Finale27.4, Dorico5, Encore5, SmartScorePro64, Notion6, Overture5