As a some of you know, Barry & I have made a lot of music over the years. Some of it we even made money at.
But recently we decided to find all our old obscure, not released stuff & give it away.
We've been compiling the collection at
FWIW, my personal stuff is here -
Like I said, it's all stuff that never saw the light of day, just ideas..

There's also a page dedicated to the crazy stuff Barry & I did together over the years. And a page dedicated to just Barry driven stuff .. though we were always involved with each others music (since the early 70's)

This may appear as shameless self-promotion (and it is), but thought I'd share none the less. At minimum it all used PT. Some used RB, some may have used BiaB, but we always had fun.
Thanks Peter & Jeff

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome