Originally Posted By: bloc-head
I won't never not like this song... Not never clever ever...
But seriously, a fine production, indeed.
Very impressive playin' singin' and mixin'... Great job Y'all.

Thanks for your ever clever comment, bloc-head. Seriously, thank you.

Originally Posted By: CaptainMoto
Always like the stories in your songs!
This is no exception.
Nice mix.

QUESTION: How do you folks handle squeaks from an acoustic guitar?

Many of my recordings suffer from that.
I've been told there are products you can apply to the strings to reduce that.....I have not gone in that direction.
Lifting your fretting hand instead of sliding works but,..........sometimes you just need to slide.

Here's what I do:
#1 Cut the volume/gain on those squeaks.
That can take time, as it's a rather tedious task but, it works.
I'm in Studio One V5, they added a feature called "Gain Envelope" that allows you to make gain adjustments within the track similar to volume automation.
If you zoom in on your track to locate those squeaks, you'll quickly develop an eye for identifying the squeaks in the wave form.

#2 Use an EQ/Deesser.
This may work but, if applied to the entire track, it can have a negative effect on the balance of the track, it needs to be used carefully.

#3 A combination of #1 & #2 can be a great remedy when used gently.

Thanks, Captain!! Great advice on the squeaks too. For the most part I tend to leave them in because it gives an authentic sound, but occasionally there's one that just has to go. I usually just get in real close and delete it, but recently doing a song for a friend I had way too many in a slow, quiet song. So I went with #1 above, and you're right, it's tedious.

Originally Posted By: jptjptjpt
Very good song. Great mix. You and Dave always play well together, this one included. Good video too. You write good lyrics too:

"Nothin' never happens for no reason" - that's some kind of universal truth.

Thanks jptjptjpt!! Dave really does make these songs a lot more interesting. As for the title, it could also be read Something Always Happens For No Reason. wink

Originally Posted By: Gary Weder
Video,excellent vox and story, Dave's great guitar playing. The whole package is very entertaining.Well done.

Thanks, Gary!!

Enjoy whatever happens!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@babumusic51
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/marty-straub
and https://soundcloud.com/babumusic-5080285
Band in a Box, Reaper, Cakewalk, Ozone 11