I just found out while generating some MIDI files that some other MIDI files generated by MacBIAB 2010 can be read by Sibelius 6. I am clueless?

Anyway, I contacted Sibelius Support Team and sent them two samples of MIDI files that are corrupt. They e-mailed me back and said that they suspect that there's a bug in BIAB that's causing some corruption in certain MIDI files that Sibelius can't work around, and said that, "I'll ask our developers to take a look at these files and we'll get back to you when we can."

Does anyone having this issue?

Flash back: After I finish with a tune or music, I usually generate a midi file to export to Sibelius 6 for more fine tuning of notes and to generate music scores and I have no issue with that with BIAB PC. In PC BIAB, there is an option on what MIDI file to generate, i.e., MIDI file type I or type 0. In MacBIAB 2010, there is no option and it just generates the MIDI file. When I open the MIDI file using a player, it does play but when I open it on Sibelius 6, it gives me a message that the file is corrupt. According to PGTeam, MacBIAB generates type 1 MIDI file which is a standard, multitrack file.