Let's hope that fixes your issue, Bob.

Win 11 had only given me one issue. Native Instruments Guitar Rig 5 worked with Studio One 5X Pro but Guitar Rig 6 would not work until I changed display settings.

I downloaded Win 11 direct from Microsoft and have only had two short minor updates in two months.

I have the same software on the other main computer running Win 10. I can not see any difference in using 10 or 11. Removing Bing from Win 11 was a much more difficult issue than on Win 10.

I can say that my use of the internet, in general, is becoming more problematic by the month. More sites are asking for money to log on and some medical sites have increased their cost by large amounts.

I have a computer at my house in France that I can log into remotely from Miami. It is amazing the limited amount of news information presented on common sources like CBS or CNN and how they are many times the same word for word. Contrary to what you may see on TV, Joe Biden was not the only person at the NATO summit...lol I am not sure there is any media outlet nowadays that can be trusted to present the facts.

Microsoft Windows is an intrusive and invasive system that there are not a lot of options to replace it with. Along with the obvious benefits of an internet-connected world, there are risks that continue to evolve.

I only have one computer that I did not build myself. A laptop, which was next to useless until I took it apart and replaced memory and drives and installed the OS myself. So far Win 11 has not been any more problematic than Win 10 for me.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo