Originally Posted By: rayc
The Spark does alright.
With the dual hard panned figure/lick parts the right side sounds a fair chunk louder to my ears/headphones.
The vocals are loud or up front in the mix but they sit REALLY well.
Good one.

Hey Ray, Thanks for the listen and comments. That's my first time using my Spark to record with, I usually use Amplitube. I'm working on another mix to address some of the balance volume issues.

Originally Posted By: bloc-head
I like this a lot... great Arrangement, Lyrics, Singing and Playing... Very well done.

Thanks bloc-head I appreciate it.

Originally Posted By: PROJECT M
Hi Greg
Really cool song
Great melody and excellently implemented
The vocals fit perfectly
Just makes fun
Cool work Greg
Many greetings
Andi ;-)

Hey Andi, thank you for taking the time to listen and comment.