I download quite a few MIDI's and have run into this problem several times. Sometimes the control changes and program changes are not on the track you're trying to change but may be listed on another track much further down the list. As you're doing in RB, MULTI-view is the way to go and find these. But, take a look at tracks much further down than the ones with MIDI data as well as further out along the time line. There may be a few surprises there.


Win11, Intel i7 7700K 4.2Ghz, 32Gb RAM, 2x1Tb HD, 500Gb NVMe, BIAB/RB 2024, MOTU 828MK3 audio, MOTU Midi Express, Yamaha Montage 7, DX7II, TX802, Motif XS Rack, Roland Fantom XR Rack, Oberheim Matrix 1000, VoiceLive3 Extreme, Kontakt 6, SampleTank 4.3