Many companies allow license transfers these days.
Make a list of software that you don't have use for...
Register on KVR, there is a forum section there that allows to sell "preowned" software.

You can group some similar items as one unit etc. Usually people just put up a list with prices or best offer in a single post and delete items as they sell.

I sold and bought couple of software items that way. Worked for me. People do have history operating on KVR, so you can see if they are playing games or not.

Computers...ebay I think is the only serious platform or something like offerup, but there are many clowns on offer up.

Step aside for a few weeks, perhaps you will change your mind, or at least will have a better idea of how to consolidate in a meaningful manner.

Last edited by Rustyspoon#; 06/19/22 12:16 PM.