Originally Posted By: Torrey Bliss

What a fun song! The music bed is the perfect vehicle for the lyrics! You did such a great job putting that band together! It would seem that Bill is a great collaborator! I could go on and on about your songwriting abilities because you just keep churning out one great song after another, year after year! I don't know how you do it! But don't ever stop!

Thanks, Torrey

Thanks, Torrey. Yes, Bill is a good collaborator - a good lyricist - he understands prosody well and writes "fresh" and conversationally... I'm always fascinated by lyric guys who do not play an instrument at all...

Originally Posted By: rayc
The perspective is a cool narrative tool.
That swing thing works a treat and there's not much to offer but - very cool, great fun and well done.

Thanks, ray...