Congrats Dave. Getting on playlists is tuff but it really is the key to getting your music heard. The audience that you can reach through playlist can make a big difference. It doesn't matter if that materializes today. Sometimes it takes a while to build an audience. My latest tracks got picked up through Release Radar and generated over 1k plays over the last 28 days. The Radio Algorithmic playlist generated over 5k streams and the fascinating thing about that was the songs on that Spotify created playlist were from 2018. Yet they were being played over the last month. I've never seen it as a waste of time but more of a creative outlet. I think your attitude is the same. If it generates income that's GREAT but if it doesn't that's ok too. Again congrats. It's got to make you feel good that at least your work is being recognized. If you're curious here's my Spotify link. It's been fluctuating quite a bit but as of the writing of this message I have over 6k monthly listeners and I'm on about 265 playlists. All the best !!