First, let me preference this by saying I have always performed live with live musicians so I have NO experience with backing tracks. However, I have a much more varied repertoire than the musicians I know so opportunities to practice certain pieces and potential gigs pass me by that I could do solo with a backing track. For that reason, I am considering purchasing Band in a Box (Windows version) to make backing tracks to use for solo performances.

I already have my leadsheets in uncompressed Music XML format so I was hoping I wouldn’t have to recreate new tracks from scratch. It is my understanding that Band in a Box can import and create BiaB files from uncompressed MusicXML files.

The sheet music app on my tablet will play MP3 files when a sheet opens so this seems like the simplest & most logical way to play the backing tracks I create on cue from a setlist. My research also tells me BiaB will render MP3’s. I plan to output the backing track & my lead into a single powered speaker that is more than adequate for my situation.

The last hurdle is a click track and count-in. It is my desire to utilize a count-in and click track to stay on the page, as I will be working from sheet music. I was hoping to use my in ear monitor when performing with the click track in one ear and the backing track in the other.

Can BiaB render a two-channel MP3 file with just a count-in and click track on one channel and the backing track on the other? If not, how do I best accomplish that?

I did some research and assume I am correct in my belief the importing uncompressed MusicXML files and creating BiaB files from those and rendering MP3 files isn’t an issue with the latest version of Band in a Box.

Thank you in advance for any insight and suggestions and my apologies if these topics have been covered to exhaustion elsewhere on the forum pages.