Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Good job. A nice memory kicker back to the days of gigging for a living in honky-tonk bands and staring through a windshield at the white lines coming past you at 3am headed home from the gig. Knowing every bump and pothole in the highways and back roads in multiple states.

Regarding the mix.... and the song. Good job on the song. Nice mix. I noticed there is a bass track in the song.... at least you listed it. Maybe you have it turned down and forgot to turn it up for the final export..... It's lacking on the bottom end. A closer listen on the buds let me know it's there but it's still barely perceptible. Might want to have a listen to that and bump it a bit.

Aside from the bottom.... nicely done.

After your comment, I listened through the headphones I use for initial mixes, then my main monitors, then the speakers I use on my computer (Presonus Eris E3.5). In each of those, I heard the bass playing as I had intended - which is, admittedly, not a heavy bottom. The bass had been conflicting with the kick, so I wanted it to be more a "subtle rhythm part" as opposed to a bass-y bottom end.
The following day, I was listening to the new Koe Wetzel record (Hell Paso). It has a heavy bottom and I was listening on Apple earbuds. It occurred to me that I had not listened to this song through earbuds. And there, the bass pretty much disappears. So, thanks for the note. Since I don't intend to do anything with this song and I doubt anyone will listen to it again, I chose not to re-mix it (I do think it sounds fine without any bottom since there is a lot going on instrument-wise)

BTW - you should give a listen to the Koe Wetzel record. I think you would like it. And it is Heavy Rock Guitar Country. The 2022 flavor. A more updated sound. You might capture that to your advantage. You can find the whole thing on Youtube.

Originally Posted By: TuneMonger
Perfect song, has all the elements. Was waiting for some reference to romance and finally got that in the last verse, so that's why I say the song was perfect. You use so many real tracks but it sounds so smooth and...perfect. Great work as ALWAYS.

Thanks, TM....

Originally Posted By: justanoldmuso

only one word, as always..SUPERB.

great lyrics eg 'music is my mistress'.



Thanks, om....

Originally Posted By: PeterF

An excellent story telling song - nicely produced, very effective and as usual beautifully sung.

I liked the song structure and the overall feel.



Appreciate that, Peter....

Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Nicely done, floyd, everything sounds great as per usual!

Loved the line about the Gibson riding shotgun wink

Thanks, as always, Dave....