I like the song! Good production, vocals sound good. laugh

But since you're asking for feedback, here's some thoughts to ignore: wink

The first verse piecemeal and not very lyrical. In particular, the first line:

   I do live on thin ice

comes out with long pauses between the first words, and "do" is a filler word.

The lyrics also combined opposing ideas into the same phrase, such as:

   And I never really wanna be a puppet of society
   A minion, someone's property, just to be free

"just to be free" isn't part of the list that it follows, and "to be" without "want" doesn't make much sense.

But I'll admit that, despite my complaints, proper grammar in songs is vastly overrated! wink

The same thing happens in the last chorus, where "that" in one phrase refers to what they "are forced to be", and then is followed by what they are "gonna be":

   With all the freckles on my face
   The hidden ugly side of the human race
   That is what I'm forced to be
   That is what I gonna be, gonna be

Again, not a big deal. Nice work!

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?