Originally Posted By: musician17
Haha - wonderful!!! This is Janice and Bud productions at its finest best! Janice knocks it out of the park yet again - as I've said before, no idea how she does it, but she seems to me to improve with every single song. Everytime I think she can't get any better, she's like "let me show you even more of what I can do". Here, it's the jazzy slides, the subtle staccati every now and then, and the humour in her voice. The production is seamless and peerless. And I've been dancing in my chair and tapping my foot throughout - what more can one possibly want? :-)

A JOY to listen to this song, the way you've done it. Thanks for sharing - hats off to you. :-)

Hey, Bud here … Janice is too modest so I’m commenting. Your description of her vocal is IMO spot on. This was as usual one take and she simply sings it as she feels it. Nothing is contrived. Thanks so much for noting this and for all your comments.
