Originally Posted By: Torrey Bliss
Dave, Marty and Chris,

This track has a more commercial pop sound than what we usually hear from you, but you folks nailed it! Everything about this sounds great! Chris is always on top her game with writing and performance, and she delivers again here! I agree with you about Marty! His bass playing on this track is high level pro work and really carries the song along! Dave, I love those little muted guitar parts you are doing...they kind of give this a reggae feel! The solo is a killer...not overplaying but just giving what's necessary to be effective! Great song!

Thanks, T

Hi Torrey,

Well, the guitar doing the muted guitar parts is a BIAB Realtrack. I can play that style a little, but not as good as he could wink

I'll take credit for the solo though! Thanks very much for the kind words and support, very much appreciated.