Originally Posted By: Planobilly
I am currently investigating how ChatGPT and others can be used to make money.

There’s always crime!


I like this, a lot:

“In another example, the threat actor explains how to generate an e-book or short chapter for a specific topic (using ChatGPT) and sell this content online.”

Scammy potential there but mostly completely legal, I’d imagine. A monograph on how to treat black locust tree thorn injuries*, $1.99 for the PDF, things like that.


* Complete text: “To treat a black locust tree thorn injury, clean the wound with soap and water. Then, apply an antiseptic to prevent infection. If the wound is deep, or if the thorn is still in the wound, seek medical attention. If you develop signs of infection, such as redness, warmth, or pus, seek medical attention. Keep the wound elevated and covered with a sterile bandage to reduce swelling and pain.“