Originally Posted By: earl kirby
Is this signs of the singularity's arrival?

"While it's highly likely that we will one day reach the singularity, any number of factors could prevent us from doing so. The development of a super-intelligent, artificial consciousness that could out-think human beings would require incredibly advanced and complex technological feats, which, today, we are not yet capable of. But with the continued evolution of technology, we may see the singularity on the horizon in our own lifetimes. What an idea!"

This sums up what I think about the singularity issue.

A quote from https://www.makeuseof.com/what-is-the-singularity-and-when-will-we-reach-it/


EDIT: Well...perhaps not in my lifetime, being an old guy....lol

Also, I can not imagine a response such as this to this question could be considered anything but intelligent. The Ai even understood my misspelling of the word analysis.

My question.
"give a chemical analassis of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)

AI responded.

Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is a polypeptide hormone that is structurally similar to insulin. It is composed of 70 amino acids and has a molecular weight of 7649 daltons.

The primary structure of IGF-1 is composed of three domains: an N-terminal domain, a mid-region domain and a C-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain contains the signal peptide that is cleaved during the biosynthesis of the hormone. The mid-region domain is important for the binding of the hormone to its receptors, while the C-terminal domain is responsible for the biological activity of the hormone.

IGF-1 functions primarily as a growth factor, promoting cell proliferation and differentiation, and stimulating the growth of bones and muscles. It also has a regulatory effect on glucose and lipid metabolism.

The synthesis and release of IGF-1 is regulated by growth hormone (GH) and is primarily produced by the liver. It circulates in the bloodstream bound to various binding proteins, and its biological activity is mediated by binding to specific receptors on the surface of target cells.

IGF-1 is also involved in the regulation of muscle protein synthesis, by activating the PI3K/Akt pathway, which helps to promote muscle cell growth and differentiation.

It is important to note that excessive levels of IGF-1 in the body have been associated with an increased risk of certain types of cancer, such as prostate and breast cancer. Therefore, it is important to have adequate levels but not to have high levels of IGF-1. It is recommended to consult with a doctor or health professional to evaluate the levels of IGF-1 in the body."

Last edited by Planobilly; 01/26/23 08:09 PM.

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