I think what actually happens with "AI" generated art is not currently knowable. We are not very good at predicting the future. How widely excepted it may become depends on how much the advances in technology become.

Humans are, in general, pretty resistant to change. We may come to like "AI" generated music. Perhaps a category will wind up at the Grammys.

No matter how songs are generated in the future, that has nothing to do with actually having a musical instrument in your hand and playing it.

AI may create music, but it can not play anything. That will require robotics excessively more complex than we currently have.

If we have not destroyed ourselves due to human's propensity for aggression and lack of concern for our actions, who knows what all this will look like in the next fifty years?

Music and the way it has been produced has been changing from the first time some of our hominid predecessors picked up a stick and beat on a log to the current likes of ChatGPT.

Why would we have any reason to believe the future will be any different?

We will record and admire the past, but that will not prevent radically new music from being listened to.

Change is the only constant.

Correct or not, this is what I think.


Last edited by Planobilly; 02/06/23 04:43 AM.

New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo