This is painful. I'm hoping that there are a good handful of those who routinely use an external keyboard (and its own internal sounds) vs. the Vsti and/or Dxi stuff that is virtual/soft synth.

At this point in my experience, I'm either doing something wrong (likely) or I'm just not all that impressed with the VSC that comes packaged. I'm not sure yet, but I don't think I'm accessing the upper banks...just the standard 128 (might have something to do with GM2 mode).

I am spoiled I suppose, having grown very fond of the Motif's superior library of very, very good sounds.

I would love to learn how to implement/use the Motif's sounds for any of BB's midi tracks as they occur.

I do have some understanding of the Motif's multitimbral mode (in song or pattern mode) I can dial in any 16 patches I desire (patch 1, ch1; patch 2, ch2 etc). Using my DAW, it's very simple and the tracks follow the channel assignments according to midi input channel (I have one actual, and the DAW has the ability to create additional "virtual" midi inputs to accomodate the other 15 I need).

Anyhow, this is old hat and very familiar with most who dabble in this arena.

However, the confusion starts for me here: How do I (or can I) set up the Motif to interpret the patch changes needed/required by BB for a said song and/or style?

There is a tutorial in FAQ that covers the Patch Map thing...and let me tell you, I am NOT that guy who can do it...nor do I have the time to create some 1500 routings of sounds for the Motif (that's a guess btw, it's probably more). I did check, and the only Yamaha product that someone created a patch for was I think the ES model (I have the XS).

Further, as confused and untested as this is for me, I'm not even sure I NEED a patch map.

Heck, maybe I'll just set my Motif up in a multitimbral mode...dabble in BB's SEQ mode, and see what happens...(that could be dangerous LOL).

Maybe I can just will it to happen all by itself? Uh, yeah.

Some help or direction would be great.

Then again...RB would probably solve all of this much easier...just generate the basic midi track, drag/drop it over...get it talking with the Motif, and dial in the instrument patch I want right there for which ever channel...

Thanks in advance,