It's not often I get stumped by chord entry but this one has me beat.
I'm well aware of the new microchords feature and use it occasionally successfully and I'm sure that this chord run has its solution in microchords - but how?
Its a key change chord run from A up to D in what sound like even spaced chords and seems to be done all in one bar. But no matter how I lay them out, the chord run is the wrong timing.
Link to snippet of the actual recording -

As far as I can tell the main theme finishes on an A, the next bar (?) goes A,A#,B,C,C# (5 chords in one bar, seemingly evenly spaced?) followed by the first bar of the reprised main theme - D. I wondered if it was a combination of micro chords plus a change in beats per bar (via F5) but that doesn't seem to work either. I can play it easily but as I can't read or write stave music I'm unable go and lay it down to try and work it out.
'Help! I need somebody - -'
Completely baffled - Can anyone offer a solution please?
(As a complete anorak aside, the ending of The Beatles 'I Saw Her Standing There'' has a very similar chord run.)

Old Guys Rule.The older I get,the better I was!
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