Originally Posted By: David Snyder
I have been running a 4-way factorial Anova test of variance in a controlled longitudinal study of posters on music forums for 20 years and have just released the results.

What is hindering our research though, Ray, are those who are talking but who have written or posted Zero songs, since zero is hard to factor into any equation of this sort.

That will require a higher level of Fourier analysis and we expect the project to be done in 5 years.

By that time, BIAB should have made enough adjustments to help everyone write at least one acceptable tune, since Peter Gannon has promised to make one house call per customers to show them how to generate a track.

I will keep you posted Ray, since I know you are a man of keen wit, and a shrewd intellect, who likes to stay ahead of the pigs, as we say here in the country.

You blinded me with Science!
Would that Thomas Dolby was Thomas Dobly instead.
You thesis is worthy of Theseus & Theus.
Should we apply Mohs' or Calvin's Scale to this situation?
I've not considered applying those to myself as I'm more inclined to scratch & sniff.
I always fall back on the hardness axiom: a diamond in the rough is difficult to chip and harder to putt.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe