Originally Posted By: B.D.Thomas
I'm far from an expert in this genre, but if I heard this song on the radio, I would think, 'Of course it's on the radio'.

Yeah, there are probably a million songs that talk about the same topic, but with you it seems so effortless to write a song like this.

'I'm not afraid of falling in love I just wanna go slow' is so relatable.
Vocals, production and mix are (as always) as good as it gets.
I enjoyed it. A lot!

Much appreciated, B.D.

Originally Posted By: rsdean


This song is as good or better than anything on country radio today. I can hear any number of artists performing this.

Awesome band and production.

Love it when you come out with new material!


Thanks, Bob...

Originally Posted By: rayc
I can't get it to play - YET.
Something about a W7 computer I think.
I shall return...

Originally Posted By: HearToLearn

+1 It must be SO good your broke the internet!

Originally Posted By: boehm
Hi Floyd,

when trying to open it I get a virus warning:
Virus: HTML.Exploit.IframeRef.B (Engine B)
Virus beim Laden von Web-Inhalten gefunden. (Virus found while loading web content).
Adresse: http://www.floydjane.com/B/Wanna%20Go%20Slow.mp3
Status: Der Zugriff wurde verweigert. (Access is denied).

What a pity!

Kind regards

Sometime after Bob (rsdean) commented, I made a "correction" to the web page.
Unfortunately, I included a typo in the name of the mp3 (the address that Guenter's post shows).
That seems to be the cause of the warning (a false one, I believe). I code those pages, so I know what is going into them...
Sorry for the inconvenience. I corrected the typo - so I assume the warning will go away. (although I never switched my site from http to https - that might cause some browsers/avp to balk...)
(Guenter - always great to see you!!!!)