Sorry to be the one to tell you but I think you may have to add "producer" along with "songwriter" going forward.

I honestly don't think most people really get what a producer does. It seems the word gets thrown around for any recording but listening to their songs I would say they probably don't understand it to the true degree of what it is. You sir understand what being a producer is and it shows. I'm not positive but I personally feel that this is an area that you've really taken interest in and studied over the last few years. To me, your already high quality songs have jumped up to being that much better. You've really grown!

Without getting into details, because you know that would take a bit to describe what you all have going on, the techniques you are using to keep the listener interested are sheer perfection. Knowing what to add when, and what to take out is so key. Especially when the listener isn't even aware of it! It's not obvious. It's subtle but needed.

I've really gotten to dislike the phrase "ear candy" as well because I feel it's thrown around a lot now too without much understanding. Part of "ear candy" is knowing to take something OUT so when you do add it in it's effective in creating interest, sometimes as something new, sometimes as familiar.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Let me tell you about how I'm known to do that. grin

Great song all the way around. Congrats to the two of you on this!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.