Watch THE FREEZE on YouTube

Hi everybody,

It's been almost two years since my active time in the forum, and there's no doubt: I sometimes miss all of you and your fabulous music very much. I sincerely hope that all of you are doing well.

However, I won't be able to come back in the foreseeable future. Maha has been seriously ill for several years now, and recently, she had to undergo breast cancer surgery. I am very much occupied, and there simply isn't time or leisure for time-consuming (yet beautiful)regular activities like the forum. I must admit that I haven't even had the chance to check out BIAB 2023, let alone use it yet

I am still working on a few videos, but it can only be done in small portions. If I manage to finish two of them this year, I'll be very pleased.

So, because I don't think it's fair to post here without listening to and commenting on your work, I won't be doing so in the future either.

The reason I'm posting THE FREEZE (which I completed in 2022) here is that Marty (Babu), whom we all know and love, stars in it along with his granddaughter Charley, and I don't want to keep that from you.

And since it's customary, I'm also providing the musical details:

Keyboard: RT 673 (Chris Nole)
Guitars: RT 3249 (Bob Lanzett) and RT 1401 (Sandy Williams)
Bass: I used two classic bass lines that I've always adored: Tramp (Otis Redding and Carla Thomas) in the verses and 'Knock On Wood' in the choruses.(MIDI ( NI Factory Selection)
Horns: Arranged by me, MIDI/Vintage Horns (Big Fish)
Drums: Arranged by me, MIDI/PowerDrums 2

I would be very happy if you enjoyed the video and the song.

Please take all good care of yourselves and your loved ones,
