Thanks for listening and commenting, Marty, Jazz'n'Blues J&B and Noel.

Noel: I usually use the 'Gaia' spelling, but our common Mother, our Beautiful Earth, has many personal names from other cultures, such as Scandinavian Jörð, Celtic Danu, Incan Pachamama, Hindu Prithvi and oodles of others. Re the music, I began wanting to do something for our Beautiful Earth, so although I later added a 4 bar intro I began with G A E A chords, but the final 3 chords worked better as Am Em Am. I still kept the title as "Gaea" as it sounds better than "Gamemam"!

Some favourite Waoist Adages:
#1: Play on the Way.
#17: Ask not for whom the flower blooms, it blooms for you.
#69: Bring consciousness to it.
#74: On the road to effortlessness, effort must be made.
#105: Be Love Now, the rest will come on its own.