Hello my friends from Biab,
It's been a while since I last posted on this forum. I come back with a composition and a video dedicated to an animal tying up the deer.
As Janice and Bud advised me, it's better for me to go for quality over quantity. For the music used, Biab helped me a lot both in the melody and in the inspiring musical phrases of this beautiful software. For the video I used magix X15. If you have the desire or the time, I thank you in advance for your wise advice. THANKS.

Best Regard
Derochette alias JaniJackFlash.

The link to video et music is on youtube (click on the image) :

The link to soundcloud (music only) :

Last edited by Derochette; 02/18/24 02:42 PM.

Kindly regards
alias JaniJackFlash