You can however filter by channel in the roll notation mode, thus if you have a melody with the following

Bass channel 2
Tremolo Stings Channel 3
Oboe Channel 4
Soprano Sax Channel 5
Babpipe Channel 6
Drums Channel 10

You can click on filte to see only channle 2, that is the bass line, you can further click on the ghost button to see the notes on other channels. So this allows you to see which channel notes are on and what other channels contain.

This might do what you want?

As far as multiple tracks you can use the solo track as a scratch for mulitple tracks if you are not using it. You could copy all tracks to the soloist with merge and then you should have all parts in the piano roll and can play with them there. Not perfect but work able.

Last edited by PapaMikie; 01/01/09 12:41 AM.