Originally Posted by dcuny
Hi, floyd jane.

Where to begin? It's a great write, with a the first line sets the entire conflict:

"i know our meetings with the counselor aren't going very well"

I love the use of opposites - especially how "near to" in the second line links back "close/far" in the prior line. Even "you/I" are opposites:

when i hold you close, you're so far away
seems you're just this near to leavin', but i gotta make you stay

Nice rhyme with "photographs/epitaph". And I love the economy of:

if i lose you there'll be nothing left of me

It beats the long-winded version I'd have written. laugh

You plaintive vocals are perfect here, and the arrangement and mix are stellar.

Most importantly, it gives the "the feels", which is what songs should be all about.

Excellent, as usual. What a treat!

Thanks, David. As I mentioned in other responses, all those lyric goodies are Bill in this one. He often adds perspectives that are unique and original - and, yet, so obvious once you've heard them...

Originally Posted by laurent4114
A beautiful song for a beautiful voice.

Thanks, Laurent...